A Prayer: Unknotted

2023-02-17 A Prayer: Unknotted

O Lord, we are those passed over. Help as convenient explanations swirl and as easier routes mask the gentle and easy yoke of Your holy service. It seems a hard thing, but in fact is easy. In the absence of malice grant willingness to address myriad fears, our own and those of others. See us willing to do the boring and tedious thing, to tend to the childcare, the needs and vaguely disguised aggressions and ambitions. Embarrassing things, help us to face with no fashion or design.

But help us to speak as soldiers of Your Cross, towards an end that both reviles but also loves, the new order of reality we see in peoples and in society. See us enlightened but not nervous, not afraid of the frightful aggression or reluctance of the would-be convert. See us empowered but not proud, of the heavensent wisdom and knowledge, too great for us but also entrusted to us by You. For You sign up and utilize each, in myriad ways and most wonderful. You need us, almost, were You not all-powerful and all-knowing. Yet You used Your Son to make proper approach on Your behalf, to take the blame onto Your own person. Help us therefore to be content with the day’s simple work, and to hearken to communication silent or aloud, across educating divides, those things that seem insurmountable. Help us to pray. Help us to be. Help us to grant today or years hence, the response to Your patient call unto holy service. Keep us personable and shaken out, gentle, unknotted and limber. In all holiness. Grant faith that good things lie on the other side of the convert’s simple and genius insight: to do only this one thing, and thereby to find peace, collegiality, Kingdom come.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
