2023-02-03 A Prayer: Understanding
O Lord, we thrive on understanding. We love to be sophisticated to a point, we love to see a stage further, we love to imagine, create, rest easy and friendly for the sake of our deeper hungers being met.
See us as though consuming ideas and form, eager to know and pleased to picture. But do help us with ideas made curious, made relevant, made honorific of some Divinity become Man, honorific of some Spirit embedded, honorific of some Father chessmaster or yearning for each of our hearts.
We have come to know Jesus through missionaries and the strange purpose found in corners and all meeting places, communal fonts, of this life. So we simply pray for fidelity to Your Call and Your received stories, Bible, teachings, parables, news and the sadly under-attended fonts of this life. We wish for all people to have a proper role and inspired service. We wish for reliance on a hidden movement of the Spirit. We wish to turn up our attention all of a sudden and realize that we are part of a tapestry, a movement.
We long to find other fellow-travelers. We dream of change, or simple pinpoints, starlight, of those embedded and called witnesses, made over, oases for others. Help us, whether we feel called to be the thirsty, or to be the fountainhead. Help us be both, and find in Your will the courage to dream on and live forward, to merge with wide stories alongside personal quest, desire for family and structure, hope for career organic work, growth and witness.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.