2022-12-07 A Prayer: Timid
O Lord, where we are timid, where we are just holding on, help us trust any and all reassessment into Your hands. See us grateful but timid. See us full throttle in Your courts, divvying up our time, purposed and meaningfully employed. See that it is a rare air we breathe, thanks to You, and that we do recognize to come along with trials, errant blasts and shooting down, immediate reactivity and at times hatred, at times curious fascination, at times a heaven-sent right-on-the-money response. See us so eager when to one or two others we are toeing a righteous line. Convince us that the home is grounded in proper hope. Help us give to a wide world reason to hope on, and cause for early celebration.
Grant us patience and detail-oriented bliss. See us so glad simply to arrive at what You have called “Calling”, “Purpose”, “Gestating phases”; we form and reform and shake ourselves silly as those growing into proper form and head start, standing tall, really discovering that You intend good things, that we may better understand the dried former things.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.