2023-02-01 A Prayer: That Thing
O Lord, rapidly we think ways we’ve offended; we have nagging concerns; roadblocks, hangups, and then just the myriad ways we speak a different language, same on paper, but coaxed to make concessions to another way of life; we don’t concede, yet it hurts and prolongs or postpones the warring madness for a time, for a time when we’ve conceded, not making peace thereby, but making intelligible the dispute. See the madness: grant some recovery, bedrock near to “those things” that pop into mind upon any holy excursion.
We worry we have perverse sides to us, lustful or embarrassing. We worry and make so much over the wash; clothing, sheets, reading material, simply made new, and this no cause to obsess or fuss. Rather, we long for a one-hundred percent viewport, all-on, healing and being healed, near to peace and shalom, not as some obsessed-over principle, but as the flipside of costly venture, military, war, a firm “No” or emphatic “Yes”.
Help us thus to exorcize any and all fearful haunts in the inner mind. Help us to be brave for adventurous and ambitious outlays, but peace and calm in modest efforts. Keep our efforts tied to modesty, humility, a neat quietude out from which we lance forth happy and sated. See us happy. See us washed up, washed over. See us firm that we have a boon or prize, sheltered for a future sharing, and indeed not withheld this very day.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.