2022-11-12 A Prayer: Technology
O Lord, preserve in us a notion of alarm; hidden and secret are those powers and principalities against which we labor and fight. Grant holy disgust and obstinence about the whittling away of our Presence in the community, our Engagement with the dialog, our league wherein Warriors keep the whole edifice motoring along. See us fussy and caught up in secondary matters, but today recalling just who and what blesses those foundations. O Lord, we are creatures who dwell in a Consciousness, an Awareness, a “Tools at our fingertips”, called just simply “Technology”; today we honor and submit to the importance of such fighters, who know more but also who are guilded themselves, who perhaps know not our gratitude and simply appreciation for the healthy community, the funded research and security, the gentle valuation of the Acknowledgment, the tinker’s cap on each of us, who know scarcely one thing from another, but who save a prayerful Spirit and a conscientious majoring in majors, minoring in minors, no words wasted on those who will call us alarmist, but time and space for the outreach that lives because of a bedrock called Trust, called, Egalitarianism, called Undeserved Certainty, Security, wheels and networks that keep the edifice functional and ears out for that occasional soul, homeless, jailed, maligned, on the fringes, who is too a member of the community. Who too can speak. Who is not excluded from the social media feed or mildly erased out of a false sense of “cleaning up the community”.
Let us hear from our denier and doubter. Let us have taste and major in those voices whose origins stories are correct, that is, grant us holy understanding as to how and with whom You work. But also, grant us to have holy disagreement, majoring in those bedrock assurances so easily denied.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.