A Prayer: Rediscovery

2022-12-20 A Prayer: Rediscovery

O Lord, life takes time, and we bless You who speak to us with an eye for our own betterment, that is, that as Your Creatures we be made to Your glory. So any mindless bliss or down time, we trust to You who makes us relevant and our story near to our heart, near to our speech, near in complete denial of wistlessness. We are not wistful, but energized and pugnacious. We fight. We bring to mind what in former times was a fascination with “the game”, and now is simply servanthood. We are servant to a dynamo, a reaction, a football match of the soul, caring for those in dire straits, praying for the one in pain and the one in doubt, healing at a distance the many souls we gladly accept as being entrusted to us, for we are brave and ambitious.

Also we know a kind of dialog found in prayer, not in any hesitation to speak or said downtime, but as You love us, as you so care for us, that we can get back into the game, enjoy the fray, rather, be encouraged by the format: speak, and let friend and fellow warrior Hear. Sound off, and let others harken to the moment. Yes, we are unashamed of the Gospel and of Your Name. Formerly slanderously called a weakness, made fun of, stereotyped, today it is our fortress. So thank You for meaningful prayer and Hope of a sort not easily found on earth. Help us to end all earthly longings, that is, to have them translated to a Higher Plane where we nestle close to You. See us eager, but so tame us as to be honorific and delighted in servanthood. When we flutter by Your Call, grant us that pointed recollection, the thorn, the plain-speaking, because we are in dire straits. We are heavenly-minded, because this life we have returned to its rightful owner, that is, to You. And You so delight in the walk together, that we rise up alongside Your Son, to be brave and independent, to lead and to follow, to be unashamed of words spoken out of a trust that though we wander, You are near, that though we go blase, You coax and re-arm and send us forth with a pat on the back. So help us therefore and thus-wise to fight for the spiritual victory, already ours in You.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
