A Prayer: Hope

2023-05-24 A Prayer: Hope

O Lord, for all that You promise, for all that You build, grand design and structure, grant us with Your Divine patience, to hope: grant us an allowance of hope, daring to hold out for something, hope-filled, up against manifest criticisms, manifest days hindered by small things. Yes, they are small things but for us everything, so do grant us to Hope and to pray. Help us hold out this endeavor, this foible, this desire, as something copacetic and warmed by You.

You give us hope, You give us Tomorrow Joys, and Today Promise. See that we bank on You and Your goodness, knowing of knightly pursuits and grand schemes, but entertained just for now in human vulnerable hope. Hope that doesn’t disappoint. Hope that even flatters our spiritual side, our self remade and reformed in Your love, a self taking in stride so much that for You, for Your Son, was an arena for prowess but for us—so indulge us—is difficult.

In grand purpose, grant simply this our heart-need. Really, we wish always to think in grand terms, but today needed some brand of Hope to intertwine our souls. We needed to know all is mechanism and battle, eclipsed visions by some warfare, yet too You have a department, an agency, a Cause for the heart’s health. So help us to live into that, and not to be ashamed to dare to have human concern and hope. Help us always thus to live into Your full scheme for sinful Man. Help us always to be Present and Accounted for, on the rolls of youthful horizons and such promises.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
