A Prayer: Finding the Name

2022-12-14 A Prayer: Finding the Name

O Lord, step by step, piece by piece, we check off deeds trusting that these are Good. We trust, when all goes topsy-turvy. We seek, by deed or word, a Living Fount where You are pleasantly and joyously biding the time. We trust, that deadening confusion, warped reality, false comfort, ease of place, all are but a thin imaginings, and that You are quite near.

We trust, prayerfully, that life goes on. We have faith that deeds done in humility are blessed. We have faith that sin will not cling to us, when we’ve raised the ruckus and made a din, fussed, around the broad Invite to come into our hearts and be present in our gatherings, and to let some of that purity cling to us. Some of that Chosenness. Some of that useful habit or gesture or Plan, some evocation to any who hear us pray, of a mighty God. Help us to bless and to rise up and to evoke Your might, perhaps just insofar as it is a might that has tamed our own soul. That, in itself, is a major life event, a milestone!

So grant reality to the hateful prompts of other-minded devils. See us Love Your manliness, that is, Your creatureliness, as we are men and women in Your image; see us love Your ambidextrous Presence as succor and calm to whomsoever man or woman comes near to You. See life scary, but shared peace, friendship that knows no race nor creed nor gender nor lifestyle.

Grant reality of You to Us, a Divine Exchange, a Peace and Pleasantry of circumstance, somehow bringing cheer to the face of we women and men in company. Company tried. Company assailed from all spiritual sides. Company habituated, habited, plain-living out of all feelings that swell up in us, now friendly and kosher. We are now peace in believing. We laugh off accusation, knowing it was no easy night of the soul that earned this Name with whom we, like Jacob, once wrestled. Lively times. Joyous carrying through.

For time was, we believed in penance and purgatorial nonsense; we were cubby-holed and had not the confidence in our faith to respond in confidence; we were bullied, even. But our faith was no academic time and degree but rather a fresh cloak immediately to take to task, immediately to pray through, immediately boldly to Announce, and to Witness, and to Share.

See us already handled, mannered, outfitted, prepared, educated sufficiently, and bless those who believed that this was true of all the faithful. See us envision daring and haphazard contributions made by the suddenly Inspired, swept-up in Spirit, intrigued and blessed from Your good Spirit. If it be Your will, make that us. O grant us peace, and calm, no proud ambitions but plain Ideas and quietude.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
