A Prayer: Finding That Strength

2022-12-21 A Prayer: Finding That Strength

O Lord, is it enough to sigh? Is it enough to plead insufficient strength? Do You see how we languish, or derive false consolation from silly expenditures? Do You see us forlorn and do You cause our cages to come down? Do You intend to bless us, when we expect only a threat to our proud position? Help us be receptive. Help us adjudge with patience, reasonably, taking things in stride and in confidence even when the weird or strange comes out; we can take it all with calm.

O Lord, help us discover those deeds that appeal to You, high in the sky, with concerns different from ours. Help us derive strength in ways that we must take on faith, because it isn’t an action-consequence or logic. See us resolutely strong at the oddest of times: when having a meaningful moment of prayer, of self-discovery, of vision. For You anoint with Vision the man or woman who is simply receptive, in the trenches, modest or unassuming. Yes, in our unknown or unattractive corners, You do strange and wonderful deeds, for which we thank You. You give a vision simply called Hope. You give repose for the weary. You help us and hold our hand. In all these things we simply give You praise.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
