2022-12-30 A Prayer: Entertained
O Lord, so entertain us with dreams, to live in eternity even when muddling through this life. See us face facts, but still dream. See us as all things work together, be carted into the future already and now. So grant that the spirit be real, regardless of the banality of life as factual and as experienced. Grant us still to hope when possibilities seem squandered, cast down, dismissed. We rub our eyes sometimes because it didn’t work out like we had hoped.
See that we dream with Your caliber of hope, You who saw the heavens opened and the devil cast down (Lk 10:18). Grant healthy confidence and dreams, fair potentials attributed to our fellow man and woman, and to equanimous society; then sober us and turn our attention to gratitude simply for one or two of the things thus seen in the understandably wild vision or dream or conversation. We acknowledge that as a whole that must be too rich for this life, perhaps. So help those simple points be brought to fruition, while patent, plain facts show life grinding along and people seemingly unchanged on the wholesale side of things.
We believe that You flourish in a space You have rented out in our minds; Your ownership on us is accompanied by the Divine Logos, spellbinding, timely thoughts: wandering, understanding, explanatory device, teaching moments. You own the Now by being peace and torrent for Future. Hope is Your trademark as we see what purchase can be obtained simply with future investment, while the doubting disciple in us asks for Your hand for he or she begins to sink underwater.
The fiber optic cable of our brains seem simply to flood with positivity that is fair challenger to all our doubting other half does observe. Yet we don’t think those are unreal. We curl up in fellowship with the braver thoughts, with the patent unfolding of salvation history all around us. We refuse to give false allegiance to our own negative thoughts or depressive conclusions; we are amber waves, ambient light, colorful marriage of thought to word and deed.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.