A Prayer: Comet’s Tail

2023-01-21 A Prayer: Comet’s Tail

O Lord, so much is trampled upon, burnt to a crisp; grant hope for so much that is gentle and sensitive, that as faithful witness goes forth, these things will restore as though in a comet’s tail. Help us see the detritus, the ugly intrusions against a bedrock of purity, of gifted and sensitive ointment, of a life not just repeating and shouting others down, but of meek speech on the other side of a death.

Death, we pray, of our self-chosen paths in life. Help us to see ourselves as nearer today to salvation than at any time past; help us with the intrusion, the detritus, the foibles and stinging things, the impurities. For You are a gentler soul, sadly crucified but crucified in Your fast and prayer, Your lean spirit met with lean body, yet no forced anorexic pallor, but peace and provision shown in muscle and limb. We, too, are spiritually in a house swept, and do today pray for deliverance from all that sets up camp, crouching and looking for an impure opening.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
