A Prayer: Change of Scene

2022-11-11 A Prayer: Change of Scene

O Lord, change-up, change of perspective, change of view. Help us review and reacquaint ourselves with who we are in Your Light. Sometimes it seems faith is something to clutch on to, no concession, a hard bargain: we are Your fighters. But, too, we have change of vista at times in this meager life, a new authority figure, a word of encouragement when we expected one of judgment, a journey to some vacation spot (for we are in love with the walk, with the journey). Help us in all things see You as absolute, but also as glimmering off of actual digs and excursions we undertake.

Just to meet Your people, is a wondrous excursion: what do we say when in society? What is our raison d’etre? Is there anything in our words most appropriate to the scene before us: a world caught on edge, either faithful or errant, either believing or judging, either grand in concept or pecuniary, not having used that good Coin that You entrusted to us. We use it today, no longer afraid to prove our faith through hardships and we must admit a certain affinity to the deer caught in headlights. We long to reacquaint ourselves with Your love, O Lord, but through excursion and daily projects, daring forays, the first fruits of a soul beginning to return to full-on, holistic, health.

For we are healthy simply by Fiat from One who created with a Word. You are the good news from the doctor and professional in such matters. It is no crying game when Your people bonk heads against each other, rediscovering shared area. Residents, in dormitories, we give thanks that we can be fine in company, and fine in solitude. For we have You, and have a wondrous, prayer life perhaps different from those who judge others on what books they have read. We have read Your book. We hear Your answers to all life’s questions that cross our mind.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
