2023-05-28 A Meditation on Wandering Spirits
“24 When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ 25 And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. 26 Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first.” (Lk 11:24–26 ESV)
Wandering spirits, a barracks at watch: defense against the malady comes from a proto-spirit called Holy. Watch, as dastardly ill knocks at the door, seeks strange vocalization or animated body in some sublime nod to that illness. That illness is the wandering spirit, looking for a home, finding a gap in the equation here, a soul undefended.
To defend, we stay alert, awake and vigilant, inviting in Holiness so that as though steps ahead, staged in the future, promised unto certain and sure boldness to accept the leap far past a lackluster, vulnerable, quaint former life.
See as Holiness descends, see as enraptured souls on borrowed time do alight on one another, with those words heard in one’s own language, words of calm amidst high winds, words of gratitude, grateful joy amidst times in transition. See that for now, the Gospel ministers to the elementary needs, the basic sense of “I gotya!”; “I’m here for you”; “We’re in this together”. Such are the leeward winds or starboard sun of enthusiasm: I hardly knew that what I sought in a peer was so simple. Outward and inward peace, in light of undrunken gaze into the excited eyes of a peer; sudden revelation that we are high on life together, we are in the elysian fields come early morn, nine A.M. finds us ecstatic to rediscover lost wealth, that all our grasping after an elusive heritage, today is reinstated on the light of Peace Together. Today is reinstated on the basis of quest, experience, induction, pride, and hope spelt out in tandem with our friend.