A Meditation on Things Unseen

2023-02-03 A Meditation on Things Unseen

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1 ESV)

Lockstep is the invisible beginning to be made visible, the branch that we start to go out on, the common faith, the common vision, victory, promise, for tomorrow. For we dwell today in the unseen tomorrow: faith, being the assurance of things hoped for, just manages to be sufficient to keep us buoyant and loving towards life and its pursuits.

Lockstep, therefore, is where we have reached out to each other: your religion may be different from mine, but we both believe in a God, we both believe in a future end time or second life, promises are given to us, hope is achieved.

Together, then, we begin to put form and concrete imaginings to these our unseen promises. It is astonishing how when things are unspoken it can be difficult to appreciate them. But, when we are in corporate or private worship, we put words to the promises of Scripture. These then begin to gestate, to form and to make purchase, in our heart of hearts.

Reassured on the spiritual level that we are part of a team, immense camaraderie, coming alongside, teamwork and togetherness; all this should do the trick regarding cheering us (“Be of good cheer master Ridley”, as quoth the English martyrs!); all this should really fascinate us with the almost speechless majesty of what God is at this very hour working out on our behalf.

He attains a settlement and bounty utterly sensitive to exactly who we are, peculiar to our own station in life and life experience; sentient of precisely our frame in life. He really intends for His saved folks to be saved to the utmost. We will be bashful on that second day, upon the revelation, by just how much we fussed and doubted. We will see goodness set up camp in our hearts, in our sphere, our prayer closet, our circle of friends and confidantes.