2023-02-22 A Meditation on Sustaining With a Word
“for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” (1 Co 16:9 ESV)
A soldier has a strange knack for being clever and thinking up rules and observations regarding her or his claim to be in that estate called “Saved”. Today, in particular, if by today one describes the experience suddenly of being found anew. And these rules really do warm the heart: No matter how today blessed, do remember the poor (Ga 2:10); no matter how restored this hour, do remember those who hunger or who are persecuted (Mt 5:6); keep yourself angular and uptight, to a point (2 Co 12:7). Isn’t all this so much beautiful thought?
But hazard lights begin to flash when we replace plain faith with a thinking cap regarding how and why we are in that blessed estate called “Saved”. For we do encourage ourselves by believing that by some miracle we are saved. But also we fuss and deliberate regarding rules or guidelines.
The wonderful truth is that God uses things that seem diametrically opposed to polite society, to honor us for lancing forth; to regale us for having a holy chip on our shoulder; to do the very opposite of what “quiet” and “meek” Christians “do”.
For instance, we prescribe a certain integrity that accompanies any new victory lap taken. When blessed and in warm estate, when held high as though crowd surfing at a rock or hip-hop concert; in these moments we might like to wax pontifical and point out keeping near to the hearth. Point out keeping near to the hardships. Reflect and relate as to how prayers grounded in wisdom may be what preserved our long walk from errancy.
God is active and mighty, His word sharper than a two-edged sword (Heb 4:12). We can take no credit for being His people. We can take no credit for earning our keep. He pursues us to the uttermost, to keep us supple and malleable to a certain godly extent. He keeps us in knowledge of testing times and trials. He watches us in little things, that we may be trusted in big things.
New juice for the enlistee; all hands on deck for the solemn spiritual discovery of one or two in our midst; courage to accept and to delight in that estate called “Saved” because our Kingdom shall not fall, our spiritual property shall not fall into lying and thieving hands, our Gospel shall not back down nor apologize for being all things to all people.
For our Gospel is warming and preventative, keeping us sated even when harsh internal sentiments are warring within, as we find that paradox that, though listened to On High, we still have adolescent self-doubts and frustrations: oh, I did it again. Look at me, and accept that I really do regret but know God the Father to be a stern judge. All this then is on the back burner because we are vouchsafed to walk this hour as those blessed and made over in God’s ways and timings, and it is precisely as we’ve accepted the warmth that we develop and inculcate the power to be strong and purposeful in the Word. Precisely that acceptance that gives us new vision and new latitude, where other peccadilloes become insignificant. After all, we are “Saved”, and that with determined pursuing love. God’s chip on the shoulder is His care for His people, His deep language of spirit and incarnational weakness that spells strength, a chess-board against sin, a sophistication that holds our world together, until that day when Kingdom shall come. So we are students and acolytes, kept this day in good cheer and capable then to empower with a word (Is 50:4).