A Meditation on Staying Sharp

2024-10-27 A Meditation on Staying Sharp

“28 And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches. 29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to fall, and I am not indignant? 30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.” (2 Cor 11:28-30 ESV)

To keep sharp, minding that alacrity, serving the Mission: labors for King Jesus never forget extreme dynamics. Never forget some ill spirit wishes to minimize and diminish until we are confused and the cipher is a yawn. Never forget some wicked boringness wishes to clobber and bother, perturb and raise question marks, over our sure and steady Mission called Labors. Labors for the King, Labors that made hay while the sun shone, Labors that assured us, soothed our nerves, went full-throttle the way of Surety and Substance, to be held and nurtured on Divine Proportions, because of a no-nonsense Readiness, Beautiful Commissioning, stand-back and love on the mix, the chorus line, the grand entrance, knowing all things can be suggested to us, both doubts and assurances: we instead of caving in, do stand at the ready for Tomorrow’s debts and Tomorrow’s mission.

The Fatherly King Jesus stokes the flames, rising up to our own proper levels, what-all we are capable of mastering and beholding in awe and wonder. He makes of us the strong ones in the community, yet of a strength mightily questioned and doubted, but a strength super-human because it doesn’t rest in our own meek capacities, but rather it is a spiritual sword wielded, a spiritual shield held aloft, a spiritual helmet donned. These spirits come from our body-building of the heart, the practical fruits of head-wagging “Nays” to so much that crosses our frame of mind. We say no to much, but also do shoulder the blame. We believe God will nurture us, carry us the remaining Distance unto Heavenly Sonship, Daughtership, because He has plan and substance for us far greater than anything we can ask or imagine.

Far greater than our best dreams. Far greater than the enemy’s power to mock and seed doubt. We are dutifully employed, therefore, to be for the people a signpost and thing of Courageous Wonder. We point, out of a heaven-sent resignation. We dare hear the early morning cavalry pouncing at the bit, neighing and eager to get the chariot underway. We dare suppose that our temperaments have been soothed by that fellow Christian in the soldiering midst, whom our dalliance and walk in the park together with, has reminded of mighty Acts of the Spirit, to Create, to Embellish, to Equip, to Inspire the kinds of forthcoming Fruits, Confessions (which by their nature honor Christ), Excitement, Genuine Forgiveness.

And then those laughing self-observations: see that we have a heavenly kingdom in mind, yet flutter and are flushed by the most banal concerns. Indeed, here in our poverty of spirit is a wealth we are encouraged to mine and therefore to Share. Looking at things rightly, we are properly Equipped to Serve and to Share on some personal plateau discovered. No rivalry nor sense of entitlement will take from us, that God goes soup-to-nuts; blessing in one evening because of one decision made in the column called Righteous, has saved our soul: that being the decision as to just how much we attribute to Christ’s sinful streak (His substitutionary sacrifice) and how much we shoulder ourselves. We shoulder the Pain and the Burden, we are awakened to that Decision Made, that today we are announced, heralded, as Good People, because all things have been wrought towards that compass direction called Heaven-sent. We are strong, that His weakness not have gone in vain. We are strong, that His Substitute not have died uselessly. We are overwhelmed in those good tidings that bubble forth, utmost Wealth for the poor in spirit. And these, we learn to share and to bless with. Only, our blessing, like that walk in the park, is never quite according to our own designs and Grand Plan; God uses our personal quirks, unnoticed or even disliked by we ourselves, to Assure and to Man Up the interlocutor. We are Held High, because of a personal Quest, and a personal Right, to own all danger of the soul, to possess all Spirit, to speak like fools in order that a Divine Ministry pass on through, come out, eek out a corner most illuminated in which we thrive.

The decision is to leave behind our cohort of blabbering worldly citizens, to leave behind our inheritance material, and Wake Up on the morrow Ready Servants of the Crown. This is our duty and makes for our labors. This is our End of regrets, End of losses, End of cynicisms, because we know just whom we serve. And that mystery shall not go flat; it shall awaken us to cultivate and notice, nurture and behold, what Words most illustrious do honor that God and King. Do honor that personal caution or prayerful semblance of Coherence, until it comes out Simply-voiced and assured. Each of us has an accent and a home tribe; how we speak gracious words varies so sharply, but amongst that cacophony of loving Gestures Heavenward, comes a unified Voice so pleasant as to earn the role in society of the Preacher and the Prayerful Ones. In these things we are masters and conquerors. In these things we are Cultivated unto a Tomorrow beautifully servant-minded. In these things we can taste God’s own Fatherly Blessing even when the world’s gifts seem easily stolen or drained clear of any holy seed. We have in us that Seed that dares not forget God is for us, and the flat tiredness or boredom afflicting us, gives way to Majesty and Magisterium, a return to the Labors for our God and King. Who dwells On High.