2023-02-05 A Meditation on Reverie
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ” (Php 3:8 ESV)
There comes a point when we are in orbit, all is the heights of love, escape velocity is reached, we talk of nothing but the discovered goodness of God’s ample calling on our lives. We speak without hesitation, with reassurance, that no regrets will long linger. If we speak erroneously, it is burned up as though in a comet’s tail. Instead, all is boldness and love, plain affection for the person at the post, the soul and body whom we associate with this height and this locale. We stagger as though intoxicated, into orbit and into all things coming together. We work and bless, knowing no ill thoughts any longer, blessing the day, blessing the night, blessing the fellowship, blessing the companions. All is love. All is simple whittled soul, soul hazarding to let go of every effort to fix up “that thing”, that “one hangup”. Each of us is mightily hung-up, until the gospel engines begin to speak their helping word. Until the gospel speed begins its healthsome deed. Until the gospel luminance recovers us from the head-down repentance. For we repented, and the Lord saw it, and it was good.
Therefore today reaches together velocity for some higher purpose unbeknownst to our conscious planning; some oasis is real; some dream, leaving us shaking our head in puzzlement, is coming into being. We are those saved as though through a fire, rescued from a cistern, patently aware when given the Gospel lens through which to stare strongly and squarely at life, patently aware of wretched things so near, too near, all-encompassing but that Christ died for us.
Therefore when searching for ideas for a new Word, we alight upon that warp speed that does honor the heights and the latitude, the fidelity to each soul met, the coming together of many disparate luminances in the good name of life uplifted. In the name of life spellbound only insofar as it is through a wondrous bind that we are carried to birth, to second birth, to the next stage of life, properly accepted just as we accepted Christ into our hearts. And all this, so that the friend can remain the friend, the lover remain the lover, the whirlwind story told, retold, accelerated, masks put aside, escape-artist love, plain affinity with the Divine, words of kosher assurance meeting heart as it alights on this, the day’s manna, the day’s determined passion for what glimmers of life to come, are afforded in this our hour of reverie. For we have been remade and now boast a new shape and lilt, gospel words floating and illuminating unto fruition.