A Meditation on Readiness

2024-10-25 A Meditation on Readiness

“57 As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” 58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” 59 To another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” 60 And Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” 61 Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” 62 Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”” (Luke 9:57-62 ESV)

The simple elation of life in the Spirit meets cautious thoughts, half-way concerns, simple ways we fail to surrender All Things, as if forgetting the Gospel (it’s in the book!) imperative to leave behind and to follow. Leave behind those things that compete, such as affection for a parent (rather, such as feeling therein some personal debt or duty); this is not the end of all affairs vis-a-vis our parent, but rather a simple reversal of us becoming the scout, chief seeker, guardian on a test-basis. Lead, young man, young woman! See Christ’s claim on us to be a Call to remain close to impoverishment that we may therein—that is, in His Cross—see life for what it is, see life more panoramic, stay Close to hurting thoughts and unanswered questions.

The measure of our impoverished estate is therefore a measure of allegiance to a Fluidity, Dynamic that juxtaposes High Thoughts with Impoverished Realities. We can live close to a nagging thought, or close to a Divine Inspiration, beautiful outworkings of deeds done, wonderful scene two’s of a dramatic screenplay, plain venturing forth of Man, Woman presently and here and now Equipped.

Our equipment is therefore found in that hushed excitement around Celebratory News: Christ, from Death, has been Raised. We literally so value this News that we serve up the good recollections, mom, dad, they are doing just fine; sibling, those to whom we are scout and lookout for, these too are doing just fine; first secure the Gospel, and then with a blazing perimeter perform the directional (us towards them) love.

Be surrendered and post-encountered with the One who knows: knows our meager and middling thoughts, our record track somewhat broken and repetitive, but also that Truth, that such as we today imagine, forlorn generations ago a Christ Performed. His devices were Viral and Relevant; His headship was to lead via service, service unto the People and unto the Family Christian. God’s method was to be that Soldier Sacrificial, no pause but urgent momentum and racing unto His hung Tree called Cruciform.

Almost: we almost can turn a scary notion, that Tree, into a beloved Ease; will we, upon finding ourselves walking a martyr’s path (spiritually speaking), recollect that aha Celebratory Proximity to Jesus’ own generations ago long but not lost, Service? Will we celebrate the Opportunity to give up all earthly endeavors in the interest of looking spiritual Death squarely in the eye, looking Disgrace, looking Disdain, looking Desperation, boldly in the eye and Refusing to hodge-podge. Refusing to muddle and debate, but rather to Live into the news that Tonight we shall sup with the King?

So to the guidelines of what has been Written. To the heroism of what has been little spoken of, and even less taken to heart. To the unthanked souls who have lived a modest life of poverty in order that some unthanked Christian deeds might be paced and walked through. A labyrinth, a Personal sense of Duty unto what is not high and noble but rather in need of a simple shower and a scrub, in need of a little “in your corner” fighting spirit, a little thorn in our own side, that we may the better minister to others who have not risen quite so high prior to the death spell that crashes things down.

The least in our midst, these soldiers shall go the highest. The forgotten in our Brandished Peace, shall be the head. Our brandished peace is no elevated ambition, but a juxtaposition with what is so easily disdained, forgotten, blushed around and evaded. Today, we are ready and willing to Serve a Gospel King most Real. And to have our dynamics reoriented, our cost-basis and assessments turned Cruciform. We die in ways not unlike His Death, only that—that being accomplished—we are to find ways of new sacrificial life.

And the question: are we “There”? Are we “Sincere”? Are we speaking the truth or are we indulging a semblance of framework but one that has forgotten Christ? Forgotten that the truth is stranger than fiction? Forgotten that we genuinely live our warrior’s creed and life near to the Impoverished and Unlauded affairs? That some earthly accomplishments may compete with a purely Brotherhood and Sisterhood-held Affair in community? No matter! Our deeds are cause to Recall and to Serve, now able to return most benign and of lofty intent, to the folks back home we have for a season left to follow Jesus. And if this is not the gospel, well then let us live out life Consecrated and Busy, because in our severity of employment we have already loved upon and blessed Life Out There, life in the wild, life in community and family.