2023-12-27 A Meditation on Healed In Situ
“12 For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. 14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.” (Ro 2:7 ESV)
One of God’s greatest maneuvers is to heal Man, Woman In Situ. Repetitive thoughts become healthsome prayer. Imagined wanderings become verification that another soul “out there” does live. Quirks and past bad habits stutter and motivate the dry and clean Person Within. Who is this day to give thanks: thanks that another day of Kingdom Living has been undertaken. Who is in strange synchronized dance with other Entities, foreign Entities and known quantities: we can pray through a friend’s perspective on life for a lifetime. We can Listen, as God and Father nixes the temptation and turns the soldier’s outfit battle-green and ready.
For, the uniform prescribes by implicit contract a Confidence borne out of little cues: we have, in fact, near and recent communiques. We have, in fact, near and recent evidential knowledge, situational awareness, confirmation and affirmation: on this Project you are indeed working. Together, as a team though distrusting regular communication channels; as a team, and indeed the better for the heights of audacious claims being made. Who wouldn’t like to hack into that dialog?
In Situ, healed and with warm patronal love, made Holy and Determined thus to serve. With that knowledge base formerly dastardly but today License and Calm to dally upon, to think upon, to reason through, to be prolific and embarrassed expert in. In craftsmanship. In finding that Same God who heals in situ, who gives us back those very things we repented of, that we made a big fuss about turning away from: today, God is begging to speak, eager to fulfill, quick to promulgate. We have promulgated a Lord never losing confidence in us, never to weary or haggard by His own table and operation, to love on us. Who need that reassurance of a safe Father and Place in Heaven, because we are or were decrepit, incommunicado, unable to broach the conversational etiquette, or rather, longing a deeper incision to make.
In the trenches and in the boardrooms, no less ready for the wear, enhanced and coached to be those soldiers wild-eyed yet rooted: family rooted, society rooted, school rooted. Each of us Today led and Today bred, spiritual ancestry and bloodline belonging to any and all comers, to all who this day say, “That is indeed me, but how did you know?” For, the hero is the cinema-dwelling Individual, the society respecting Personality, the school or boardroom axiomatic Presence. Axiomatic regarding plain decisions made, to vote for that vacuum called Grace: the would-be Christian by some measures so bound by Law as to have many-a weird fetish or fantasy or thinly-veiled sexualization of all matters. No, we do not sexualize nor do we attempt to resist; we blush only out of the Law that tempts. Instead of blushing, we know sincere and throughout-enabled Mercy and Forgiveness, and the End of the temptation. Because it was no big deal. Because it was par for the course. Because we, of all people, embrace the dastardly and the errant, the wild-eyed and the procured opposites-day thinking.
Today it is no opposites’ day but a bugle-sound of clarion importance: that God is for us healing In Situ those thoughts and that storyline, no longer a matter obsessed over but rather Invitation to rest easy and uphold that sacred Trust, namely the Trust consisting of all those witnesses and preservers of a Miracle Encounter. Of the proof. Of the need for a reputable stance that has persevered and preserved. Of this we are pride and circumstance, peace and believing. Of this we are no longer hated but have turned over a genuine leaf: “I like you more now, not less; we put up with you before, but tell me more about your latest gentle deeds!”. These things become for us Peace and Circumstance, to be the calm and melodic march on display, the secret hours of the night, the rampantly-spread Foretaste and Hope, that One who walked with us did Die beside us, so that we might never more lose a thing. If only we remember He superseded the inheritance and the bloodline, with spiritual Might and Power. To begin that dialog of the career Christian, who wonders and who speaks and who sings and who saves. Saves souls and all this in peaceful disposition towards the downward tug of society. The matter is too urgent to fuss over disputes of scripture or of manner, received manners and official ways of doing things ‘round here.