2023-05-02 A Meditation on Fellow Travelers
““For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.” (Mt 20:1 ESV)
To recognize a fellow traveler, to make an alliance in times of hardship, to hear worlds collide and we—far from giving up—are exhorted, encouraged to mosey on up and answer the call; these things do reward the prayer of the saint, or the character traits of the laborer, or the good design and intentions of the socialite.
We had much to complain of, sins within and hardship without, but today all that has entered a realm beyond Man’s ken. Beyond man’s knowledge and intentions, today we are in a warp speed towards revealed unity, astonishing preparedness, fruit of so much pained searching and labors past in the vineyard. Today we feel all go electric, the joyous hum of matters on all sides going to the business of the day.
We are no losers for our submissive, Christian, faith, but rather in end times, in judgment days, all is equal on the plate of the sycophant or boastful person, as it is on the plate of the humble prayer warrior. Who knows a reality in Someone Else’s hands. Who knows, if we can’t fix the astonishing need and pain and beseeching cry of our neighbors, then what can we do about our own estate? Yet, in these time, in this hour, all that is but training ground for a world gone to apocalypse. A world giving cause and creed to so many, formerly in some gestating mold of repentance or reflection, now lifted high and nobly to receive their marching orders, their crowns of righteousness, their uniforms of the Cause.
For our cause is so much teamwork, leaning on each other, counting on the one who happens to be in that position, to give the mild yet strong encouragements and guidances. Counting on each role in society to work in unison. Counting on each believer to be an aid in holy leap-frog, others racing ahead of where we so happily have planted ourselves. On each others backs. In each other’s shop, counting on the oiled workings to give unexpected flash mobs of unity, holy dance numbers, walking to a beat and greeting in the streets.