A Meditation on Battle Valor

2023-06-04 A Meditation on Battle Valor

“37 For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in me: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me has its fulfillment.” (Lk 22:37 ESV)

Residing in the battle, we hold some sense of personal value vis-a-vis our dedication to the cause. The cause calls to us, beckons us, and rewards us with the news: we are needed and servant to a Higher Good. All past endeavors were nothing unto the news of today’s good deed called the Fight. All regrets, all self-questioning, all personal difficulty being part of “normal society”, “quiet life”, “acceptable personal identity” is subsumed in this: that we serve under a banner called Lord, serve because we are consecrated and consigned, serve with no time to dally regarding mistakes or regrets.

Indeed, to some, in a forward position, the wild shenanigans of their soldier or their officer is a laughing matter compared to what imbecilic antics are seen by an enemy. On the battlefield, there is valor and value: each one of us no time to delay at the helm of the good ship called Christ. We are fascinated by the plain avenues of need that do exist, our plain teachings now relevant to a world addicted to accusation and to self-righteousness under the Law. We almost blanche or demure at the realization: others don’t yet have this conversion experience. Others sense in us a motive and a purpose too personally convicting. It convicts us to see this one or that one determined, not determined to bring us down, but in fact after all to somehow keep all of us in humble light.

And that should bring no fear, rather a trust fall and a familiar dynamic: there was a time I, too, repented of my sins. There was a time I, too, told of unconditional acceptance by the church. There was a time I, too, woke up a new being, strong for the sake of weakness, made over and made new by the True Sermon heard, the Gospel, the promised uplifting underway.