2022-12-03 A Prayer: Re-made
O Lord, how we long to be re-outfitted in ways You perhaps save for a future time. How we listen eagerly; how we bless, as though a faux pas or worse, were on the stage. We long always to find You near our own penitence or near Your abiding love for all Your saints in the land. We find the most unlikely forms of encouragement. See us long to check off confirmations, and to abide near to Your sorting and measuring and absolving Spirit.
So legions are formed around one doctrine, and yet legions around a different doctrine; only, help us: these doctrines are in the mouths of preachers and teachers, lay and ordained; these doctrines require some fashioning in order to be brought to light, some discernment, some recognition that a holy crew rules from the top, with all manner of folk in the wash, that is, in the walk down the line. So we cherish that license to be Spiritual, to be Story-teller, to be Philosopher, to dream of a society big, whilst conceding nothing to the murderous or hate-filled in the land. See us need Your help, where we are appalled or hating or seeing things only through our own meager periscope.
Grant us to love the potential of all men and women, to reach a place of absolution this day, to put much on a back burner whilst attending to simple erraticism of the soul, simple clutching, simply failure to negotiate. Lord, we feel blessed by simple gestures, accidental listening to us, chance to interview even with dim prospects of landing anything sustainable by way of job and corporate assembly, joining up, signing on the dotted line. O Lord, we love to be in a state of bliss because You have given us free reign, open range, wide latitude, respectful digs; we bless all Your people as engaged in something spiritual and unseen; see us languish, when all that is needed is in the inner heart to put words to what churches are sprouting forth, what listening is underway, what Goodness is raining down in latter fashion. See us simple and longing, children, mules with bit heaven sent and absolving, unworried, peace and complementarity in believing; Your Spirit does complement and get beneath our own fantasy of life. We rest where You have sustained, where You have followed biblical mandate and prophecy, to be a people tried but not kept down, offensive but not discouraged, in earnest but not self-righteous.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.