2022-12-02 A Prayer: Passed Over
O Lord, where we have witnessed, help us faithfully to relay. See each of us, no matter our station, containing Christ in our heart, up and ready for a miraculous or just vast experience. Lord, they go with the lowest common denominator; help us to accept whatever proximity to good Spirit we may have. Lord, they are with little hope so they do believe slander and banality. They believe life does not dole out enough trial and hardship on its own, so they propose to be those same who crucified You. Lord, we pray for the salvation of every soul that has seen what You have cobbled together, that Trinity, that multitude, that simple person taught and invited by Your Spirit, to “Come up here!” (Rev 11:12).
Grant that we know even Your heights as simple things, found on the bus or in the subway or on the street corner, in the broken home, in the Law-riddled church. See strange choices of through whom and how You lead. Help us shoulder a burden that keeps us humble, whilst also not denying our own Consecration at Your hand. See us shoulder a Spirit-enabled burden; see us invincible for a season, but then rested and rejuvenated in similarly simple manner. See us miraculously passed over, as Judgment looms. See us aspiring yes to great vantage point and height that You have decreed for this generation, for each generation in appropriate quanities, just right, just enough to enable and empower each of these Your creatures.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.