A Prayer: Simply Outfitted

2022-11-30 A Prayer: Simply Outfitted

O Lord, see us simply outfitted. See us chirp like little ones, or perk up like the youthful curious. See us naive to any and all resentment directed the way of those peaceful, like us. We are peaceful. We have riches of networks and circles in life, but are peaceful, not assembling armies preemptively but rather working to have a good fight within, without becoming thug nor intruder.

Yet help us be punctilious, certain, adamant, and principled. O Lord, we hate our cozy repose, until You reassure us and heal us: yes, we have made the good confession; yes, we have loved our neighbor; yes, what sickness is near, is healed and blessed in Your near Name.

All deserve their livelihood and peace. See us not linger on near spirits, but especially to love and heal the wounded and the wounded curious. See folks draw near, who may feel lonesome themselves, or who may seek new dispensations and fellowship. See us shelter, but also bless and send merrily along, those who seek in us some radical departure from their own world or circles. Help us all to live together, our circles and networks inoffensive and humble, meager towards the world at large. But see us militant about something fair and earnestly earned, that is, earned by Your caring walk to the Cross. We fight, but in the innocence of a soul contrite, and with past experience of penitence, that today resonates in Good Deeds and Healthy passion. Like Your Passion.

We may earn as a gift, but also stay innocent of all covetous desire, knowing ourselves to be sinful. But we chirp, and beckon, and alight upon holy fellowship, as though in the midst of a vast wilderness and at times traumatized state of mind, but also of missives of hope sending us forth. See us muck things up, but no time to delay, move along, keeping the friendships, allowing the unspoken and intangible to be our Guide, as Your Spirit is our Guide. We long for what cannot be properly expressed.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
