2022-11-20 A Meditation on Good Spirit
Horizons near and far challenge us to enter these streams called life. In that horizon, brother will be tried versus brother: do you enter in to my world, my hardships, the slander against me, my lean years? We are possessed of no demons but of gladsome affinity with the currents that spell life and that more abundantly. We are gladly motoring along through the day, because God is a god of the hour, not of tomorrow alone, but of here and now. Here and now we are contentment and peace, here and now relishing the digs this life has afforded us; here and now spellbound to have the fellowship.
Fellowship is what so much we try to hypothesize around, to coach ourselves into a knowledge of being the Lord’s beloved, of having friends on the phone and nearby. But our imagination is limited, set back by practical thoughts of what is and isn’t possible. So the friend in communicado is opening thought patterns and recollections; is changing the event horizon; is recollecting “how we do things ‘round here”. There is no longer shame nor self-doubt, no rationalizing according to an opponent’s view of and plan for us. This is life, plain and simple, and it comes with it a blessing: you are A-okay doing what you do; you are amongst friends now; let us see where the remnant, the recollection, the bringing to mind of fellowship past has taken us! To a high hill, a mountain of savoir faire, of sanguinity, of mysterious peace that the cynic or one of few friends tries to wrap their head around. How do you-all do things?
We do things in the wake of never conceding an inner battle between friends. We have all on the line. We are not the rich nor the popular nor the dignified in society, yet in season we have been all these things. The lack of external framework, does spell an “all-in” fellowship; all of us on the line, all of us entering the fray, all of us in touch with that Spirit uninventable, who gives us legal and saved pathways, who has a charism and a flavor, who is unashamed this to parlay with, this on the line, this the now more confident outlay: here is who I am, along with these my friends, and we beseech you, be reconciled to us, that we may coalesce around new variants of that good spirit.