2023-10-10 A Meditation on Custodial Faith
“13 Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” (1 Pe 2:13–17 ESV)
Custodians of a bright new day, Man builds, teaming up in trust networks all in spite of war and futility. For war is futile: chastening the dreamer for a few steps too far on that proverbial walk on water. War throws the wrench into the ballad and dance, whereby life was advancing, dreams immune to fear and to paranoia, all model and design, all beauty and form, muse and artist, strategist and objective.
More than that, horrifying, terrifying Decisions fall upon the shoulders of each and every cadet, from the top to the bottom: sanity and perspicacity, these we laud and honor. These we give a mindset towards of patient prayer. Not all is spoilt. Not all is compromised. Yes, we have a prime objective, but yes we have important projects as well, on the side, leapfrogging in strategic importance to a bright Tomorrow of Peace.
So to the front, to the battle lines, to the ramparts. Sad, for a minute, because walk-on-water Adventure has devolved to a spitting match. Sad, for a minute, because those who dream did so up until then end, up until the bombs dropped and the window was shattered: in another generation, they shall recover and be so wise. In another generation, they shall rightly valuate and discern the importance of the Thinker, of the Philosopher, of the Entrepreneur. In another generation, the pinnacle shall be met with others in a divine symbiosis, meek contact of finger to finger.
Yet we do believe in a cherished religion, a notion of sanity, a trademark of hope that persists in the trenches. That bolsters and buoys the decision-making of even these the refuse or lowly cadet: today, you shall be granted space and time and good managerial decision, to make your own call. To decide and launch for on that basis. To dream, and let that dream be the battle cry that makes the newspaper headlines.
All this in service to a Mind that keeps operating and thinking even with the nasty mosquitoes of unredeemed warring. That perhaps even advances the Cause of humanity amidst shrapnel and awful pain and death. This Cause for us as religionists is of ascertaining some Resurrection life, some Gospel triumphing over Law, some Person who knew we needed a little reassurance, a gesture or a friend request, because life and friendship is a Hard Matter. Life and collaboration is a Difficult Endeavor. We weary ourselves in the hot glare of juggling our hopes with those of another. We learn by way of all this to be Peace and Prayer, with a divine notion of a leapfrogging over this our War, and unto something quite worthwhile.