2023-05-04 A Meditation on Here and Now
“For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Co 6:2 ESV)
“Learning” is a notion dealt with intently by the theologian of Grace. We do not prescribe “further study”, “maturing”, “growth” in our most tender communiques to one another, and indeed if we recognize the danger found amongst tender words, then in general words we are bold and content not thus to prescribe when we speak, in any forms of greeting or encouragement.
In summary, theology just shall have to make do with a quiver of arrows minus any prescriptions of eventually “getting there”. Today, if you hear His voice. Today, if you feel pangs of conscience. Today, if all around life seems to be denigrating you, hearken to the gospel promises. That none of these your compatriots have gone soft or gone the way of Law, but today induct and today hear and today bless.
Yes, it turns out to be a nefarious, contradicting theology that speaks of growth minus immediate consolation. For we are brave to tread this holy ground, in certainty that the new arrival with genuine curiosity, with searching words or interesting questions, above all—just like us—is entitled to a word of compassion for our lesser-seen needs. Compassion for our lonely existence. Compassion for our straits as bundles of needs and eruptions. Compassion for our beleaguered, accused, ridiculed, and disparaged selves.
Playing catch-up shall not do. Promising a new and improved self by tomorrow at the latest, shall not do. We speak to a Gospel that operates on a different timeframe. It operates in certainty that no affairs nor stripe nor color-guard nor boast of Man can cause us to lose sight of the Here and the Now. God with us. Eternity knocking on our front door. Hope for the traveler—for that may be a healthsome revision, to speak of a journey rather than a maturing or a process—who comes in from the city street to find the prayer gathering, which prayer gathering none can rob nor enter upon dishonorably, maliciously, or with ill intent. Which prayer gathering already knew that the devil was trying God’s people. Which prayer gathering already found a socially shocking quietude or peace. Which prayer gathering was aiming for eternal affairs, not temporal ones.