A Prayer: Dust to Dust

2023-04-08 A Prayer: Dust to Dust

O Lord, You gave and You tried us. You mesmerize and You taught. As experiences are unpacked, we long for some assurance that the future will not judge us too harshly; see us so certain all life evolves; we also remind of Your project underway, such project as rewards or punishes. See us turn a corner in Your brief and holy Word special to each of us. We dabble and experiment, but Your reckoning is final, absolute, hope-filled for the one destroyed, rebuilding for the one torn down; see always that we never need to confront damnation but that we adjudge life as all a lessor level of sin than the sin You have delivered us from. And prepare our hearts for tomorrow; to be humored at Your Divine plans for all comers. To make our peace and state our belief, in confidence You touch the entire person with a game plan so special and made plain. Difficulty responding with clarity, learning as an overcoming, yet the dust-to-dust not cause for despair, for we know You as one still relevant, whose word is Eternal. Forgive all our efforts to accomplish anything, less than testimony to what has already been established.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
