A Prayer: Life Force

2023-04-05 A Prayer: Life Force

O Lord, who knows both sides of our experience, the needy times and the sated times, the hunger, the quieter appetite, help us rest in You knowing You are real and desire good things for us; see us trembling or searching, yet reminded of a bigger kind of picture. Help as we seek, speak as we listen, teach as we wander this way and that, that You have a better idea and a deeper reckoning for us to walk into.

In hope we pick up and accomplish, chalking up victories so easy to overlook or brush aside; grant us to be aware that You are present and real, encouraging us and giving us purpose. See us accomplish, yet forget and despair, while also handing over to You our life force, as something You can fill in despite our own inability to do so. We have so little, but accept all things at Your hand.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
