2023-02-15 A Prayer: Hope
O Lord, loss, chaos, confusion; when invaded our minds turn to You; we not only don’t concede to new or alien landscape but seek prayerful hope. Strange things, unfortunate realizations but also great benefits and hope; in the midst of hope, help us reach out and chalk up some communication, some friendly sharing, some simple checking in, verifying that what we think is “going on” is what these our nominal friends and family think is “going on”.
We worship You, seeing us through march of the Holy Ghost, seeing us edged out almost yet still living on, still centered in prayer, not confused nor chaotic nor lost. See us utterly dependent, but also assured. See friends can work things out with friends. See the first foe is within our strange hearts. Help us know a Father and Brother and Mother and Sister who approaches with approval; no longer frightful or trying to go it alone. But also know You are our lifeline in the deep position where embedded labors, minds focused and faces set like flint, bring to bear Your edged-out truth. See us living on the labors of so many who go before. See us gracious to accept any victory of Your Spirit over and against so much within ourselves that is sin. For we sin to doubt; we sin to self-hate; we sin to question; and only hear told that You are Gospel and Light from time to time.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.