A Prayer: Unthinkable

2023-02-08 A Prayer: Unthinkable

O Lord, it seemed all a merry jaunt. Help us maintain positivity and encouragement, not burdened, not even by a harsh word of criticism, even when that word does echo. See as tendrils of disenchantment accompany our positive outlook. See now that earth seems to open, horrid evidences that just like natural events, also an enemy was at work, but You… You mitigate the drama, You maintain the urgent search for survivors, You really help us hope for even one soul. Each soul matters. We see untold loss in some fantastical, material sense, unaware that the Spiritual response is just as great. See us struggle to believe.

Help as earth swallows hard work, the people we know You came for, but help us reboot in faith, optimistic and continuing to build. Where others panic or despair, we coach rebirth of hope. Rebirth out of the multitude; rebirth because we can; rebirth of a tomorrow Promised and all the better for the sake of the ones who survived, You, Your teaching that is immune either to life or death, for You soldiered on beyond Cross and grave.

Help when we wonder if we’re next. Help when others near us clamor for a word that saves, to know home and perimeter and safety, to nurture them through whatever impossible scenario seems to pass judgment. Help us value everything You have given, that we may face our own days confident and with safe perimeter and Place in which to thrive, to receive of Your goodness. Thank You for humbling us, so that we may ask less of Your gifts than what we might be asking, but also to know the unbelievable good things that You intend for each of Your children.

We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.
