2022-12-17 A Prayer: A Contagious Insight
O Lord, we draw near meek at the ways You make use of every piece of our lives, and meek because You have gifted us with heart change. We pray for heart change for each and every person, some who have long known Your care, and others making awkward first impressions. See how we run and how life courses through our bodies and limbs, yet not a life like we once knew. We are no longer those with false ease. We have weaned ourselves off of any material kind of self-expression, or any happenchance lurking around daily needs; we do not in blase form ease through life. That is, thank You that You have given us heart change. You have given us crisis response, the ability to see where we’ve come from, and to face squarely Impossibility and Devastation, in Your embrace. We are now fortified, and this to Your glory.
For You are glory in no longer worrying for the day’s needs. You are glorified in the end of all bargains with life: we have turned a corner; we are post-trauma; we are alert and active, for the devil prowls; we are not lulled into any former corner of life. We recall with self-correction the years of ennui and casual deeds, of self-based discovery. We recall the career searchings, hoping to find identity in our outlay of deeds. We recall the poignant interpersonal encounters, always rushed, no time to fuss because we have our Projects underway.
And then devastation. And then more than simple prudence is what led us to Your care. It was no attempt to have all the answers, but rather a unique Encounter with sin and its devastation. We were careening through life, and had to cry “Stop”; “Now!”. Now was the hour to confess Your Name. Now was the final willingness to end all worldly gigs and seeking. Our gig is in You. Help us be brave to ask the same of those near us, in the pews, in the offices, in the highways and byways of life.
Ourselves no traitors, help us in our earned situation, now gift from You, to seek out, confident though humbled in our life experience, to identify with one another, through a former life that ran a sufficient gamut of life experience, and a New Life that is peace and warm tidings to those souls genuine and plaintive that draw near. For we have a secret hope, a flashpoint of confidence, a self-expression couched in a greater Love. We are hopeful to pray. Grant that we may know our gig is in You, while we adopt some lifestyle called Prayer or Awaiting the Kingdom or Living Out the hope entrusted to us.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.