2022-12-09 A Prayer: Remade
O Lord, where are we, when so many opportunities have been missed? Lord, help us to see a greater plan than any of our own, at play. Help us to see all things still alive and capable. Help us truly to be honest of so many junctures that led to a patient request, “Give it time”.
See us internally faithful, no longer wowed by passions and traditions too grand for us. See us near to bold ideas, but with a spirit mournful and apologetic: truly we would have dropped everything, for the sake of following some of these Your people. So grant us to be imperfect meeting imperfect, and to cope with what was hard to face, our own missed chances past; many of them; frustrating to our observers, who went down a path minus us. They proceeded with the intel that we were caught up, no more to arise, inconsequential, obsessed or plainly caught up in doctrine, in first repentances, in things not befitting of the Call to stand tall and fight.
So help us to recreate and roll with the punches, to bless those who curse us, to speak in plain words, intelligible words, trusting bridge-building, aware of each sly context as hurried and outfitted by a devilish spirit. So grant us to know Your playpen and space as Children, blessed, unhurried, recipient of a Spirit outpouring and appropriate to where we are with our own inner turmoil, with Your healing.
See us despite being contrite also being overjoyed with that bubble You still bide us with, a place of friendship, of absence of judgment, of plain “life together”. See us remade by the genuine Mercy extended by lovers of the soul who are near. All have their faults and failings, and grant that we might be utterly aware that the opportunities past were opportunities failed, and that only in Your Divine Provenance have remarkable New Things come to pass. So grant us patience for each in our midst, to be saved, to come to repentance, to wake up and to rise up.
We pray all this in Your Name, Amen.