2022-10-25 A Meditation on Strongly Available
Presence of mind, calm outlook with loudness on all sides, it is a pleasant place when we are thus attuned and in touch with the Spirit who saves us. All of life can come down to a momentary judgment, a word said in hushed voice, some pointing towards where and about what we are concerned, what is our cause and our focal point.
That word is Jesus; that word is full on, all systems go, Today, if you hear His voice, fear not. Fear no evil, nor the happenstance alternatives circling about the blessed head and mind. What you consider and imagine to be scary, is already saved, and this salvation promised over unto a soul walking in lockstep with the Spirit. This soul is no longer afraid of its deeper affections or hidden sins; all will come out in the wash, and all will promise us over unto a symbiosis with these who hear us, a group-mind, a fairness of play wherein we fear no tight-rope walk of being sin-free, but do roll and stand back up again from the punches, do say, “No matter” to sins of omission and of commission.
And then the guilt trip. How to be available and amenable to our peers, without being susceptible to the downgrading and the summary judgments against us: “You had too much ease in life”; “You don’t know suffering or hardship”; and other such ludicrous charges against ones perhaps frustratingly but nonetheless holistically healed and joyous amidst untold strife. Such are each of us, presents giftwrapped for each other insofar as we’ve regained a Presence and Availability, an innocence and an integrity, purposeful and eager in the simpler things, conversation, jesting about in good humor, simple affection for the bodily presence of a peer, whom we can embrace or throw our arm around in untold freedom from those summary judgments and fears (the careless word escaping our lips; the things we have had too easy or are guilty of) that circle about our relationships with certain others.
Certain others, to them we say “No matter”: “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”; Yes, even, “Bring it on!”. Yet the near prayer warrior observing does mourn, for they have learned to love us and to wish good things for us: when will come that future day when this one gets some rest, some deserved R & R, some homecoming unto peers with open embrace? And each of us is thus embattled not to stop with consideration of life’s ills, but to race grandly and wholesomely to the Prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.